Aboriginal Language Culture and Literature Resources Resources

Aboriginal Peoples - Library and Archives Canada
A selection of Library and Archives Canada resources on Aboriginal peoples in Canada.
Aboriginal Peoples
Aboriginal Peoples: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage.
Aboriginal Languages of Australia
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages. There are more than 200 Australian Indigenous languages. Less than 20 languages are strong, and even these are endangered: the others have been destroyed, live in the memories of the elderly, or are being revived by their communities.
Aboriginal English/Regional Monographs
Australian Aboriginal Words in English: Their Origin and Meaning - Aboriginal English.
Aboriginal English & ESL books
A listing of resources available from the TESOL Joint Use Library.
Aboriginal Languages
Many Aboriginal adults and children in Central Australia are speakers of an Aboriginal language (or languages) as their mother tongue.

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Online Aboriginal-Language Resources:

Aboriginal English DictionaryFirst Nations
Aboriginal Language OnlineGlossary Lexicon Aboriginal

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