German Dialects Language Resources

PA German Audio Clips
Professor Earl C. Haag's PA German Dialect.
Südhessisch for beginners
This is the ultimate online-dictionary Südhessisch-English. It's purpose is to increase the understanding of that southhessian culture in the center of germany.
TITUS Didactica: German Dialects
Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien.
The Low German Language (Platt Düütsch - Plattdeutsch - Plaut Dietsch - Plat Dütsk)
LOW GERMAN is the direct descendant of an ancient European language, known as OLD SAXON. .
Plattdeutsch in den USA
US-Holstein & Schleswig-Holstein - this is moin-moin.
American/Schleswig-Holstein Heritage Society.

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