English-Romulan Dictionary Online and Free English-Romulan Translation

Romulan English Dictionary
Dictionary for the Romulan language (English - Romulan, Romulan - English and Romulan alphabet).
English Romulan Dictionary
Rihannsu English Dictionary V. 3.1.
Romulan Dictionary
This dictionary was put together from pieces of dictionaries that Jocelyne found over the net.
English - Romulan and Romulan - English Dictionary.
Romulan Dictionary
An Introduction to the Romulan Language.
Tazhai - an alternate, older Romulan Language
This leaves Rihannsu the only claimant to Romulan language.
Mixed Romulan-Dictionary
The Universal Translator Assistant Project. Romulan-Dictionary: ENGLISH - ROMULAN and ROMULAN - ENGLISH.
The Universal Translator Assistant Project
The Universal Translator Assistant Project is the first, and to my knowledge only, open source translation tool for a variety of Science Fiction languages (Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, and Rihansu). Romulan Dictionary
English - Romulan Dictionary.
Romulan Dictionary
Romulan Dictionary - Federation Standard to Romulan.
Romulan Dictionary (118Wiki)
Edaihtir u'Rhirhalir Abhhilir - Useful Words and Phrases.
Romulan Dictionary
English to Romulan Dictionary.

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