Online English New Zealand Slang Dialects Dictionary

N.Z. English to US English Dictionary
The Guide Book section of New Zealand on the Web.
New Zealand slang
Officially, New Zealand has three languages; New Zealand English, Māori, and New Zealand Sign Language.
Kiwi Words and Phrases
Dictionary of words and expressions commonly used in New Zealand with their equivalent definition.
The New Zealand Slang
New Zealand Everyday Slang Words and Phrases, Colloquialisms and Dictionary Meanings.
75 Of The Most New Zealand Sayings Ever
By Olivia Atkinso.
Kiwi Glossary
New Zealanders’ English dialect differs from the Amurrican.
Kiwi Slang
Sarah Henderson's Guide to Kiwi Slang.
Kiwi Slang
Aussie/Kiwi Slang.
NZ English to US English Dictionary
The following is an incomplete list of expression and words commonly used in New Zealand followed by the U.S. equivalent definition.

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