Icelandic Language Linguistics, Culture and Literature

Icelandic is spoken in the following countries: Iceland.

Iceland Language and Literature
Links to online texts, grammars, dictionaries, and literary criticism.
Creating a norm for the vernacular
Some critical notes on Icelandic and Italian in the Middle Ages - Scripta Islandica, 2017 by Matteo Tarsi.
Vowel phoneme
A change in the openness of two vowel phoneme pairs in eastern Icelandic: An acoustic analysis ...An acoustic analysis of /ɶ :/ vs. /ʏ:/ , and / ɛ: / vs. / ɪ: /
The myth of linguistic purism in Icelandic
By Max Naylor.
Icelandic and Faroese
The vocabulary of Insular Scandinavian: Lexical purism, neologisms and language contact in Icelandic and Faroese.
Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík
Cultivation of language in his early writings (1727-1737) - Language & History, 2017 by Matteo Tarsi.
Contemporary Icelandic.
On Loanwords of Latin Origin in Contemporary Icelandic.
A wordlist in ms
Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík and the Icelandic language purism in the first half of the 18th century: A wordlist in ms. Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi, 2016. Matteo Tarsi.
Icelandic Terms
On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic - Orð og tunga, 2016 by Matteo Tarsi.
Icelandic Language
Two Short Essays by Árni Magnússon on the Origins of the Icelandic Language by Historiographia Linguistica, 2018 by Giovanni Verri and Matteo Tarsi.
Modern Icelandic (in downloadable PDF format)
The vowel system of modern Icelandic.

Icelandic DictionaryIcelandic Learning
Icelandic GrammarIcelandic Phrase
Icelandic ResourcesIcelandic Vocabulary

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