Mixtec Language and Information Resources

Mixtec is a broad term for a dialect cluster of over 50 closely related language varieties spoken in the region of Mexico sometimes known as "La Mixteca" and encompassing parts of Oaxaca, Puebla, and Guerrero.
The Mixtec
Mexico’s Mixtec people know how to speak the language of nature.
A Hidden Language
Supporting Students Who Speak Mixtec By Katrina Kickbush, Anna Kirkness (2016).
Mixtec Language
Greetings in the Mixtec language.
Mixtec Language
On the Development of Speech Resources for the Mixtec Language.
Mixtecan Family
The Mixtecan language family, one of the largest and most diverse families in the Otomanguean stock, includes three groups of languages: Cuicatec, Mixtec, and Triqui (or Trique).
The Mixtecan languages are a group of closely Oto-Manguean languages spoken by about half a million people in the Mexican states of Oaxaca, Puebla and Guerrero, and in California in the USA.
Mixtec Language
Mixtec belongs to the Otomanguean group of Mesoamerican languages. Proto-otomanguean, the mother language, was spoken by hunters and gatherers in the region over 10,000 years ago. .

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