English-Basque Dictionary Online and Free English-Basque Translation

English-Basque Basque-English Dictionary
The dictionary that we have put on-line is the Morris Student Plus Dictionary, the most complete and modern English-Basque Basque-English dictionary to date.
Basque Word List
The purpose of this list is to give a rough idea of the Basque language.
Simple Basque Dictionary
Morris Student Plus: English-Basque or Basque-English Dictionary.
Etymological Dictionary of Basque (PDF document) New
R. L. Trask edited for web publication by Max W. Wheeler
Eusko Jaurlaritza
Euskara Biziberritzeko Plan Nagusiak (EBPN, 1998), besteak beste, Terminologia-lanaren plangintza egitea agintzen du.
Basque Japanese Dictionary
This a a Japanese Basque dictionary to bring the Japanese culture and Basque Culture closer together. More than 20.000 entries and growing...,.
Basque Dictionary
FREELANG: Basque-English dictionary and English-Basque dictionary.
Basque Language
La influencia latina en la lengua y cultura vascas.
EUSKALTERM Multilingual Dictionary
EUSKALTERM Term search form Use of Bank consultation Contents of Euskalterm (Basque, English, French and Spanish).
Terminologia Batzordeak onartutako hiztegiak
Basque Dictionary of Sport, Biology, Agriculture, Geology and Philosophy Terms in English, French, Latin and Spanish.
Lexic euskera-occitan
Basque-Okzitan vocabulary.
Basque Proverbs
Basque of proverbs and how to say Spanish, English and Latin.
Etymological Dictionary of Basque (in downloadable PDF format)
Dictionary of Basque R. L. Trask edited for web publication by Max W. Wheeler.
Basque Dictionary
Logos Basque Dictionary.
Buber's Basque Page
Buber's Basque Page, Basque history, language, culture, sports, food, Blas’ biography and a description of research.
First names
The list has a double objective: to offer parents help when deciding an appropriate name for their new-born children and, secondly, to provide information necessary to those wishing to change their name or to adapt it to the correct spelling.

Basque surnames
List of Surnames Researched by Xabier Ormaetxea, Susan Ybarra.
Harluxet Hiztegi Entziklopedikoa
Harluxet Encyclopedic Online monolingual Basque Dictionary - Harluxet Hiztegi Entziklopedikoa.
Basque Dictionary
The Alternative Basque Dictionary. Rude words Dictionary.
Basque Word List
Buber's Basque Page: Basque Word List.
Astronomy and Basque Language
By Henrike Knörr Borrás.
Basque Surname
Name and Surname Basque
UZEI Online terminology
Basque, Spanish, French, English and Latin. interface in Basque.
Basque English Dictionary
Basque English Dictionary Euskara - ingeles iztegi & itzultze Definition - definitze.
Euskara bidaiarientzat
Euskara bidaiarientzat (English) Foreign Languages.
Basque online dictionaries
All available Basque dictionaries. Basque to English translation.
Basque to English to Basque Dictionary
Basque to English and English to Basque dictionary.
Basque-English Dictionary
FREELANG Basque-English and English-Basque online dictionary.
Basque Dictionary (in downloadable PDF format)
Etymological Dictionary of Basque R. L. Trask edited for web publication by Max W. Wheeler University of Sussex 2008 the estate of the late R. L. Trask
Basque-Spanish Dictionary
Elhuyar Hiztegia CC - Euskara > Gaztelania and Castellano > Vasco.
Dictionary of Basque (Scribd ebook)
Etymological Dictionary of Basque.
Basque Wordlist
Wordlists Basque Wordlist.

Online Basque-Language Resources:

Basque Dictionary BooksBasque Grammar Books
Basque Learn BooksBasque Learn Books
Basque DictionaryBasque Grammar
Basque ResourcesBasque Courses
Basque NumberBasque Phrases

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