Glossary of Economy Economics Finance Terms, Lexicon, and Abbreviations

Glossary Of Monetary Terms
The Planet Money Glossary.
Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History
The EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History is designed to provide students and laymen with high quality reference articles in the field.
Glossary Carbon Finance
European Investment Bank (EIB) and Carbon Finance - Glossary of Terms.
Finance Definitions
Islamic Finance Definitions Reuters.
Economy and finance glossary
The Economy and finance glossary contains all glossary items concerning the statistical theme 'Economy and finance'.
Glossary of key concepts in Economics
Rich glossary of economic terms to understand economics and management.
Fundraising Terminology
Grant Space – A Service of the Foundation Center. Glossary of Foundation, Nonprofit, and Fundraising Terminology.
Glossary Budget (PDF Document)
This Glossary defines various economic and Budgetary terns as they are commonly used in reports by the Congressional Budget Office.
Finance Glossary
Stable Value Investment Association (SVIA) Glossary.
Glossary of Federal Reserve Terms (PDF-Format)
Glossary of terms relating to general economics, banking and terms specific to the United States Federal Reserve.
Finance Acronyms
Finance acronyms and abbreviations.
Forecasting Dictionary
Searchable dictionary with Abbreviations and Acronyms, Complete List of Defined Terms and Complete Dictionary References.
Business Glossaries
Glossaries of Business- and Economics-Related Terms - Collection of links with annotations.

Economics A-Z terms beginning with A
Business Encyclopedia Dictionary (by
Economic Terms Glossary
An extensive database of economic terms and concepts.
Economy Terms - The Economic Time
Economy terms with their definitions. Learn and know the meaning of these Economy terms by their definitions here at The Economic Times.
Engineering Economics Glossary
Engineering Economy - Profitability and Economic Choice - Consultants, Software and Training.
Glossary Economics
Online Glossary of Research Economics.
Finance glossary
Financial acronyms glossary.
A Journalist's Guide to Economic Terms
Business terms can be complicated. Here's your guide to the 213 economic terms most often encountered by journalists.
Virtual Economy Glossary (A-C)
The Virtual Economy glossary (A-C) - Thomson Learning EMEA - 50-51 Bedford Row.
Economics Glossary
This glossary has definitions of a wide variety of economics terms.
United States Campaign Finance Glossary
United States Campaign Finance Glossary Adapted From Data Formerly at Department of Translation Studies, University of Tampere, Finland.
Hypertextual Finance Glossary
Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary - Over 8,000 Entries and 18,000 Hyperlinks - The largest financial glossary on the Internet.
IMF Terminology A Multilingual Directory
This terminology database contains over 4,500 records of terms useful to translators working with IMF (International Monetary Fund) material. It provides versions of terms in a number of languages, without definitions.
Dictionary of Economics
Definitions of economic terms and concepts.
Personal Finance Glossary
Personal Finance Glossary - Mortgage Term Glossary - Over 700 glossary terms.
Glossary Finance
This is a "small-but-friendly" glossary of finance and investment terms.
Indonesian bank and finance Glossary
This glossary is a list of terminologies associated with Indonesia's economy system.
Glossary of Project Finance Terms and Acronyms
This glossary contains a list of more than 650 definitions and more than 275 acronyms for terms related to and institutions involved with the field of project finance.

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